Droid Hack Adds USB Host Capability to Moto's Android Handset

Posted by aashu Sunday, 20 February 2011

Members of the device tinkering community have managed successfully get a Droid device to connect to USB peripherals. The Linux-based Android OS should be readily extensible, but the hardware that is wrapped around the OS isn't always conducive to all the possibilities. The trick isn't quite polished, it involves making your own USB cord and some cable swapping during a hard boot. It's still a little buggy, but it's a great step forward.
Once the hack gets a few more people working on it, there should be more stability. Currently, it's not even really useful, devices are detected and powered up but not quite accessible. With the door open the Linux community should hop on board and knock the kinks out of it. Being able to access flash drivesMP3 playersTV tuners or digital cameras through USB On-The-Go should help extend high power cell phones like Droid into mobile Internet devices. Any thing that can run on Linux should be able to work on Droid. Lookhere for more news, hopefully wiring diagrams for the cable will show up so you can get in on the phone too. Video demo after the jump.


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