Creative at CES unveiled their new gaming headset, the SoundBlaster Tactic3D Omega wireless. This headset will be compatible with PCs, PS3s, Xbox 360s and Macs.
What’s cool about this headset is that it doesn’t require any extra connectors in order to be used with these systems. Creative claims the technology is already integrated into the headset, so this means a painless setup and much ease of use. The headset comes with a detachable mic and voice/game volume controls.
Creative aren’t the first ones to come out with cross-platform gaming headsets, though. Astro, Tritton and turtle beach, among others, have been producing their headsets for a while now, but none of them are available in India and have to be imported here. On the other hand, since Creative products are widely available in the markets here, these headsets actually have a pretty decent chance of making it here.
We can’t wait to get our hands on and test these babies out. It’s priced at around Rs. 9,000 ($199) and we’ll let you know as soon as we hear something about the Omega making it to our shores.
What’s cool about this headset is that it doesn’t require any extra connectors in order to be used with these systems. Creative claims the technology is already integrated into the headset, so this means a painless setup and much ease of use. The headset comes with a detachable mic and voice/game volume controls.
Omegawd! Cross platform!
Creative aren’t the first ones to come out with cross-platform gaming headsets, though. Astro, Tritton and turtle beach, among others, have been producing their headsets for a while now, but none of them are available in India and have to be imported here. On the other hand, since Creative products are widely available in the markets here, these headsets actually have a pretty decent chance of making it here.
We can’t wait to get our hands on and test these babies out. It’s priced at around Rs. 9,000 ($199) and we’ll let you know as soon as we hear something about the Omega making it to our shores.