5 Reasons Dead Island could be the Best Game Evar!

Posted by aashu Thursday, 24 February 2011

Zombies games have quite literally, been done to death by now. There are a few games like the Left 4 Dead series that have still managed provide gamers with a thoroughly entertaining experience, but the genre on its own hasn’t really evolved a lot. With Dead Island, developer Techland are traversing territory that’s never been explored, fusing multiple genres to create one ambitious game. Expectations are sky high but if they manage to pull it off, Dead Island could be the best game ever. And here are five reasons why.

It’s an open world zombie game

The island is yours to explore

There are zombie games – and then there are open world games but never have the two genres crossed paths. This obviously opens up a whole new sub-genre of games that could be the best thing since sliced ham. Instead of simply moving from point A to B in a linear fashion, Dead Island will allow players to tackle any situation in a non linear way. And since the entire (fictional) island of Banoi will eventually open up, the possibilities are limitless. Oh and did we mention it’ll ship with four player co-operative play? Yeah, think about that for a second.

Focus on melee combat

Eat my pipe undead scum

Most zombie games hand you a plethora of weapons and encourage you to go carve up the undead but Dead Island will focus more on melee combat. This obviously makes matters a lot more intense as you’ll have to move in closer for the kill. And as Left 4 Dead 2 has shown us, bludgeoning a zombie to death is just plain awesome. In Dead Island, pretty much any melee object be it a pipe, an oar, a tree trunk and lots more could be used to hammer away at the undead. We also hope Dead Island go a bit more primal and allow us to set traps. That would be completely mental. 

Create and customize your Tools of Destruction

What weapon will you use today?

Even though Dead Rising 2 was frustrating, it did allow you to combine all sorts of weapons to create uber badass weapons. Dead Island will grant you somewhat of the same mechanic as well where you’ll have to craft various weapons to survive. Imagine fusing a machine and a harpoon gun together or combining a rocket launcher with a tree trunk. According to Techland, this particular mechanic will allow them to offer over thousands of weapons to the player, just like Gearbox did with Borderlands.


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